Student/Athletes Policy
Madison Highland Prep adheres to the following policies for all student/athletes.
Student-Athlete Eligibility
Due to the rigorous nature of MHP’s academic program requirements, MHP has a process in place that requires students to declare their eligibility for extra-curricular or athletic participation. This process is explained to parents and students during enrollment and is acknowledged by their signature in the Athletic Packet and Parent & Student Handbook. Both of these documents are provided to parents upon registration and are available on our website.
Student-athletes must complete all registration information online through RegisterMyAthlete.com. Completed registration will contain the following information:
- Athletic Handbook Acknowledgment Form
- Statement of Insurance Coverage
- Copy of Insurance Card or Proof of Insurance Information
- AIA Form 550: Transfer Student Eligibility (if applicable)
- AIA Form 157 A: Annual Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation
- AIA Form 157 B: Annual Pre-Participation Physical Examination
- AIA Form 157 C: Annual Pre-Participation Physical Acknowledgement
- AIA Form 157 D: Annual Consent to Treat Form
- Brainbook Concussion Course Certificate
When all registration documents have been filled out and submitted in the proper manner, the RegisterMyAthlete account will be set to “Complete for Tryouts.”
Academic Eligibility
Student-athletes must maintain a 2.00 grade point average with no grades in any class below a “C” level. Student-athletes will be deemed ineligible if any course grade falls below this requirement.
- Review the MHP Student Handbook for all Academic Eligibility procedures
The Student-Athlete Commitment
- Attendance at all meetings, practices, and games is required. Special circumstances “release
- time” should be truly special and communicated by the student-athlete and parent to the coach at least 48 hours in advance through email.
- Academic and behavior expectations take priority over athletic participation. Students must meet such expectations prior to participation in meetings, practices, and games. This includes attending after-school homework support, tutoring and serving any disciplinary consequences.
- Quitting is contrary to the Madison Highland Prep athletic philosophy. We believe a student-athlete who has been selected to a team has made a commitment to the school, teammates, and coaches. A student-athlete who quits a team after the tryout period will be prohibited from participating in all new athletic activities until the following academic year.
*Student/athletes that do not fulfill these commitments will be subject to appropriate discipline from coaches and/or administration and will be ineligible for postseason recognition and awards.
Student-Athlete Code of Conduct
- To acknowledge that participation in athletics is a privilege that demands good sportsmanship.
- To demonstrate self-control and respect for others (including other coaches, other athletes, and spectators) at all times.
- To treat opponents with respect, shake hands after competitions, and congratulate their performance.
- To respect the integrity and accept the judgment of coaches, officials, and administrators.
- To acknowledge that behavior, while in uniform, is a reflection of you, your team, your school, and your community.
- To respect all athletic equipment (both school and opponents) and athletic facilities (both home and away).
- To perform in accordance with all rules set forth in the student code of conduct during practices and games.
Student/athletes that do not abide by athletic and/or school disciplinary codes will be suspended from athletic participation by coaches and/or administration and may not be eligible for postseason recognition and awards.