Senior Summer Workshops, access here.
Counselors Corner: Weekly Resources Click Here
The school counselor provides cultural-competent services to students, parents, school staff, and the community. The goal is to provide guidance and support in academic, personal/social and emotional areas and prepare students with the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the high school program and reach college and career readiness. The school counselor will advocate for students by creating educational opportunities and assisting students to become engaged learners through participation in the STEM program. Throughout the high school experience students will develop resiliency, ability to cope, and be self-directed individuals.
The School counselor will:
- Meet with students individually to discuss any concerns in the academic, personal/social, emotional area.
- Meet with students in small groups to address concerns/topics/barriers
- Consult with teachers and assist in meeting the student individual needs
- Develop workshops for parents and deliver informational presentations
Confidentiality: Information between the student and the school counselor is confidential. Information will not be shared with other parties unless:
- It is believed that your life or you present a danger to others
- If you report behavior in violation of school policy that your counselor is required to tell the school administration (identified in your student handbook)
- If you ask your counselor to tell someone else
Welcome Back!
I am thrilled to start the new school year and work with the team to provide support to students, teachers, and families. During the school year, I will be observing classrooms, meeting with students, planning groups, and checking in with students to provide emotional support. The goal is to help you have the best high school experience, prepare for college, and identify how to make it happen. As the school counselor, I am available to answer any questions and point you towards the right direction.
Carolina Flores
School Counselor
Office Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30am- 3:30pm
Topic of the Month: Anxiety in School
Have you been experiencing anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic or worried about starting school? You are not alone. Students around the country are returning back to school and some may experience stress, worry, or anxiety. Symptoms of anxiety can affect academic performance, personal experiences, and social/emotional health. As school counselor, I am here to work with you through barriers and find ways to decrease anxiety. This month I want to provide support and resources that can help you develop healthy coping skills for when things get rough.
What is Anxiety? ( (worksheet)
Back to School – Preventing Back to School Anxiety
Teens stress during COVID – Tips to Help Teens Cope During COVID
Cognitive distortions –
Stress Management for Teens – Stress Management and Teens (

- Teen Lifeline – Teen Lifeline
- SAMHSA Helpline – 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
- Suicide Prevention – The Trevor Project
- Back to School Anxiety Tips: Teen Lifeline
- Teen Depression- NIMH
Mobile Apps:
- My Life Meditation
- Headspace