- Fully immerse our academically achieving students in STEM and Non STEM opportunities to give them purpose as well as inspiration and preparation for their careers
- Developing and broaden community business internship and sponsorship opportunities
Madison Highland Prep internship programs give you a first look into what the career life will be like, giving you opportunities to gain experience in different environments to see what fits you. Even though your internship might feel like a job it’s actually a learning experience, where you will acquire new skills.
According to US News and Report, “internships can dramatically increase employment potential for students. A 2019 survey of internship programs by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that 70% of interns received a job offer.” Article link
College Readiness
In the early screen process college recruiters look for initiative, they are making decisions purely from the application you and your career counsel submits. Your application reveals much about your character and your MHP intership will set you apart and may help you earn that acceptance letter.
Career Path Direction
If awarded a MHP internship it will prepare you for transition from a classroom to the career environment. You discover and grow from your personal strengths and weaknesses.
Networking is another major benefit that comes from participating in a MHP internship. Creating valuable professional connections that can aid you on college and career path.
Experience, Marketable Skills and Competencies
By completing an internship, you will gain invaluable skills, that your peers will not have, which are needed to be successful in your college and professional endeavor. You will give yourself an overwhelming competitive edge by combing your education with real world experiences.
Being able to have a strong character, solidifying your self identity, and having integrity, are invaluable competencies that an internship can provide. These character traits will stay with you your entire life and help you have a successful and satisfying career.
Final thoughts, a MHP internship can help you figure out what you want to do, but also what you don’t want. This will potentially help you avoid investing money and time to obtain a degree in a field, or choose a type of career you have no interest in.
- 3.25 unweighted GPA or better
- A completed resume with references
- Excellent record of school attendance
- Must be in good standing with your required credits for your grade level
- Successful completion of the Professionalism training course
- Positive attitude about learning
- Ability to meet employer requirements for hours worked
- Transportation to and from the internship location
- www.tbd.org
- This form will take 15-20 minutes to complete and will help school administrator match you as best as possible to an internship
- Once received you will then be contacted and a formal Intake Meeting will be held to review the form and discuss available opportunities and/or how to begin searching for an internship
Director of Internships
Coming soon

Our Innovative Internship Program fully complements a company’s commitment to furthering diversity, equity and inclusivity (DE&I) in its workforce and in the STEM field more broadly. As part of your CSR agenda, our internship programs offer your teams the opportunity to engage with the next generation of STEM leaders and to give back to the community. Our internship profile illuminates the highly rigorous curriculum HP students master. Companies therefore have a strategic opportunity to hire Highland Prep Student Interns to support business operations and to provide future talent acquisition.
Additional benefits a company will gain through our Innovative Internship Program include:
- Participate in a social/corporate responsibility initiative
- Expose students, family, and the community to your employer brand
- Gain access to students who have transportable skill in the areas of research, testing, design, robotics, coding and autoCad
- Train and access capacity for current or future challenging roles
- Provide volunteer and mentor opportunities to make an impact on a student’s life
- Potentially sponsor a student intern through college to strengthen your work force with home-grown talent
Our School Profile – click here
Employers, Students Benefit from High School Internships
Email: doakes@MadisonHighlandPrep.org
Phone: 602.295.4160
LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/danieloakesrpo